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Through Health Match BC, the Province will assist Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) pursuing registration with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) with financial support through a combination of fee waivers and bursaries (reimbursements). These supports will help to offset the costs of an IEN’s international credential assessment, English language testing, skill evaluation, and educational upgrading. Financial supports of approximately $16,000 may be available depending on the assessments and/or upgrading the IEN is required to complete.

Internationally Educated Nurse Bursary Program

Starting January 31, 2023, there is a new process for internationally educated nurses who are pursuing BCCNM registration, which includes fee waivers that will eliminate some upfront costs. The following financial supports are available:

Registration Requirement

Available Bursary/Fee Waivers

Credential Assessment

Up to $1,200 CAD for fees related to a BCCNM accepted credential assessment application.

English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT)

Two (2) BCCNM acceptable English Language Proficiency Tests (ELPT). Up to $400 CAD for each attempt.

BCCNM Application

Fee waived with signed Return of Service (ROS).

Inspire Global Assessments

Fee waived with signed Return of Service (ROS).

Inspire Global Assessments Travel Stipend

Up to $1,000 CAD reimbursement to offset some of the costs associated with travel and accommodation. Available to residents of British Columbia only; distance conditions apply.

Transitional Education

Up to $10,000 CAD for tuition fees related to education an IEN is referred to complete by the BCCNM.

Nurses advised by BCCNM to retake a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program in its entirety are not eligible for the Transitional Education Bursary.

Eligibility Criteria

For Inspire Global Assessments and BCCNM fee waivers, applicants must make an upfront commitment by signing a Return of Service (ROS) agreement with the BC Ministry of Health. * To request an ROS agreement for fee waivers, please email For all other IEN bursaries (reimbursements), in addition to committing to a Return of Service agreement, applicants must also meet the following criteria:

  1. NOT currently hold (or have previously held) registration as a Registered Nurse in any other province or territory in Canada.
  2. BC must be the only province or territory the applicant has applied for registration as a Nurse. If the applicant has active applications for registration in any other Canadian province or territory, those applications must be withdrawn.
  3. Have applied for registration with BCCNM (for applications prior to January 31, 2023) or to Inspire Global Assessments (for applications January 31, 2023, and beyond).
  4. Have a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN). Applicants without a valid SIN may be eligible for bursary support but will not receive payment until they have a valid Canadian SIN.
  5. Have incurred costs on or after May 1, 2021, and have or will complete the BCCNM registration process on or after May 1, 2022.

Important Notes: To ensure fair distribution of resources, if an applicant possesses qualifications in more than one profession that is eligible under the Internationally Educated Nurse Bursary Program and/or Internationally Educated Allied Health Bursary Program, the applicant must proceed with an application for only one profession (i.e., eligible for one funding stream only). Please contact your Health Match BC Nurse Navigator or email for additional information, as multiple applications may result in funding being denied or returned to the Province.

Additionally, recipients of the Access to Practical Nursing (APN) Education Incentive Bursary are not eligible for further funds or fee waivers through the IEN Bursary program.

Applicants who choose to pay the Inspire Global Assessments assessment and BCCNM application fees themselves may still apply for bursary (reimbursement) of these fees at a later date if all the bursary eligibility criteria have been fulfilled.
Please register to receive detailed information about bursary eligibility, Return of Service, the application process, required documentation, as well as other important information as it becomes available. If you have already registered, we will contact you when new information is available. Helpful information is also available in the Financial Supports (Bursaries) and Return of Service sections of our FAQs.

Note: This information is subject to change. For the most up to date information, please contact us.



